Privacy Policy

Personal Data
You are only required to provide your email address. Your name, address and phone number are optional. These help us better communicate with you. We don't sell or share this information with anyone. We will email or call you about important events that affect your service. We may email you about product offerings or company updates.

Financial Data
We do not collect any of your financial information. We use to process credit cards. The stripe interface works in such a way that you are inputting your credit card data directly into their system and not ours.

Project Data
Any data or information you upload to our servers may exist until you delete it or cancel your OVS product. Projects may contain API keys or "secret keys" for data encyption. This data may exist in backups for a few months after being deleted from the production server.

Github or Bitbucket
The 5-click hosting product must collect your username and password for your github/bitbucket account in order to download your project automatically. You may change your password after launching your project, or perhaps before launching your project to a temporary password. You could also create a seperate account just for this purpose. This information remains in our server until you delete your 5-click hosting product. It may exist in backups for a few months after that. We are commited to keeping this data as private and safe as we possibly can.

5 clicks are
all you need!

6815 Biscayne Blvd
STE 103-255
Miami, FL 33138
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